Today I realized that I have been blessed with the opportunity to know many such leaders in my life.
Early in the day I attended the funeral of one of my aunts. While she technically wasn't my aunt by blood, I always considered her family. She was that type of aunt who was sassy and spoke her mind. She always looked like a superstar. She was funny and considerate. And she cared for others like it was second nature. Every time that I saw her at a family function she brought a smile to my face.
While I was sitting in my chair in the overflow room (I had to go to overflow room because so many people came out for her service) I thought about how she is the type of woman that I strive to be. Between her, my other aunt, my dad, my grandparents, and countless others I have always had this example of the kind of person who I want to be. They are my heroes. They are my leaders.
So today, I give thanks to the heroes in my life. I hope that someday I too can be someone else's hero.